Sam Butler




Sam Butler (he/him) works on projects and media for worlds we want to see — including community housing, just climate transitions, and people-owned technology. You can reach him at, and find his latest work at

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What happens when Biden declares a climate emergency and governments start taking things seriously? Start living it.

Independent Projects

People's Green New Deal Summary A primer on a visionary guide for an ecosocial future, from Max Ajl.
Biden Climate Speech A fictional video from the president, showing the policies that anybody sane would be taking during this time.
"RIDE" — A New Story A story about bikes, local organizing, and change — that people can tell and adapt in their own communities.
Costs of the Car Economy The public + private costs of the car economy — and how we can change.
Coop Template An introduction to coops, with an interactive template. (Use it!)
Bioregional Mapping Workshop Find your local bioregion, and start seeing your world in a new way.
Anti Inflationary The best policies for fighting inflation and making life better.
Building What We Want A workshop to better understand what we want, and take steps to start building it.
Climate Widget An embeddable banner, that allows people to connect with climate action anywhere on the Internet. (Looking for websites/blogs that want to pilot it.)
Freego Pick a location, and see nearby transit stations, bikeshares, transit routes, and bike paths — go where you want, car-free. (Open for input and collaboration)
Navi An open-source and privacy-respecting alternative to Google Maps, based on Open Street Map data and the OSM api. (Open for input and collaboration)
Community Savings An interactive model, showing how we can make transitions and build local initiatives through the savings they create. (Open for input and collaboration)
Just Start See events from climate and community groups near you, so you can show up and get engaged.
Spect Place your perspectives, insights, and experiences on a map — and create prompts for community surveys, participatory budgeting, resource maps, and more. (Open for input and collaboration)
Placeflow Imagine the future of your community, and share visions of what your neighborhood could be. (Open for input and collaboration)
Stories of New Paradigms Narratives, stories, and media to help us transcend paradigms — and give us visions to work towards. (Open for input and collaboration)
Solidarity and Resistance Coordinating international solidarity and agency to support environmental resistance movements and land defenders.
Manyworlds Creating projects and initiatives together, and moving towards new ways of working along the way.
Situation Earth A global situation room for environmental challenges.
Roum / Mattereum Project Working with Mattereum (led by Vinay Gupta) and artists on the ground in Europe (Roum) to create the first generation of Mattereum digital assets.
Referral Rock Led product and design industry-leading referral marketing software, with customers including AT&T, TripAdvisor, and Random House publishing.
Presentation at iAnno Discussion of the Annotation Commons, what could go wrong, and approaches for sustainable development. Presentation slides
Time to Solve Building urgent solutions for climate change and the sustainable transition.

write at sambutler dot us


© 2021 Sam Butler